Sunday, July 31, 2016

One thing on my mind....

There is one thing on my mind.... And that of course is how amazing the work is! Honestly, I just can't even put into words how I feel about being a missionary. It is the best thing in the entire world!
        This week was quite an interesting one. We decided to not use our car two days, which created a lot of moments where we were in a dead sprint running to the train and praying that we'd make it (since trains around here only come once an hour) but you know what, we made every train and every bus! It was nothing short of a miracle to say the least.   
        I had my first and hopefully final full on run in with a Jehovah's Witness. We were just walking through town doing some street contacting and this lady just called us out and started trying to throw all these Bible verses at us to disprove our doctrine. So we just bore our testimonies and she kept going at us and wouldn't let us walk away. So finally, I just mentioned a Bible verse back to her testifying of what we had been testifying of and she was quiet... She didn't know we use the Bible. hahaha. You know, I don't mind if people don't believe what we believe. Some of the dearest friendships I've made on my mission are with people of different faiths - Muslim, 7th Day Aventist, Catholic, you name it! It's just sad when people start making harsh judgments and talk about things they really don't have any knowledge about. After she paused for a minute, she told us we could leave. So we gave her a hug and headed on our way. Definitely an experience for the books! 
      M is doing well. He's keeping all of his commitments and has changed so much! I am so proud of him and every day when we talk to him, I can literally hear him changing! It is the best. We just want to make sure he's 110% ready for baptism though, so we might push back the date if we feel prompted. Keep praying for him though. He's so great! 
       Well, it's August in Australia now. I changed my calendar from July to August this morning I can't even describe how weird it felt. How can I be so depressed, anxious, excited, relieved, and confused at the same time? Going on a mission is the best decision I have ever made. I can't believe how much love my Heavenly Father has for me for allowing me these last 18 months. The end is near, but it's not here yet! I still have a week to work hard and pray harder! I'm not giving up the good fight until I'm in the airport terminal hugging my mum and dad. So let us not be weary in well doing! There is so much to do! The time is far spent, but there is still some remaining! So I've got to use it the best I can.

Sister Danielle Laree Stott

The picture is not the cutest, but this is what it looks like when you dead sprint for the train multiple times in a day. haha

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